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If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to turn a regular avocado into something extraordinary, then look no further. Air fryer bacon-wrapped avocado is the perfect snack that will leave you feeling satisfied and happy while still maintaining your low-carb diet.
These bites are not only delicious but they are also healthy. They are made with avocado, which is full of vitamins. The bacon adds protein to your diet, which helps keep you full longer than just eating an avocado alone would.
This recipe does not take long to make either. You can have these tasty treats ready in less than 10 minutes.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 3 Avocados
- 24 Thin strips of bacon
- 1/4 c. Ranch dressing, for serving

How to make Air Fryer Bacon Wrapped Avocado
- Slice each avocado into 8 equally-sized wedges.
- Wrap each wedge with a strip of bacon, cutting the bacon if needed.
- Working in batches, arrange in the air fryer basket in a single layer and cook at 400°F for 8 minutes until bacon is cooked through and crispy.
- Serve warm with ranch and enjoy!
Bacon is usually considered unhealthy, but this recipe proves that a little bit of bacon can go a long way. The lean protein and good fats in the bacon helps to balance out the healthy fats in the avocado, making this an easy way to power up your day.
Bacon-wrapped avocado is a delicious, healthy treat. A serving of this dish provides 120 calories, 4 grams of protein, 3 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fibre, 0 grams of sugar and 11 grams of fat. It also contains 190 milligrams of sodium.
All in all, this recipe is perfect for anyone who wants something quick and easy that doesn’t require too much work but is still healthy and tastes delicious!
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